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The Magic Lock

The Magic Lock is a product to provide an additional, extra layer of safety for LPG gas users at an affordable, economical price, making safety accessible to all LPG gas users.

As a responsible distributor, we promise to supply very good-quality, durable products for human safety at an economical price point and will also ensure that the entire process, from product design until end-user delivery, is quite eco-friendly and sustainable for nature.

Our Vision is to provide safety products to each & every family on economical price because we believe that SAFETY should not be expensive but affordable to safeguard precious Human life as Personal safety is the basic Birth Right of every Human Being irrespective of whether they are rich or poor.

Our Product


Magic lock Z plus gas safety device is now available it has inbuilt pressure sensing technology which senses overpressure of flow from regulator towards the stove, it helps in cutting gas off gas supply as soon as there is minor leakage in your stove as well as pipeline, Z plus is completely made up of brass and it comes with a magnet set for releasing gas, after every cylinder change you need to manually activate gas supply, this device saves life of your loved ones from leakage and fire accidents in your house. Operating range of zplus domestic is 25 – 33 Mbar range.

For Dealership, inquiries, or more information about our products, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

  • Address: Kalanga, Complex, Lalitpur, Nepal
  • Phone: +977 985-1101967
  • Email: